Departmental Accolades: Celebrating Spring 2021
June 3, 2021

The Department of Geological Sciences (DGS) is pleased to recognize a number of staff members, faculty and students for their extraordinary efforts in the 2020-2021 academic year.
“We are immensely grateful to all for their immense efforts and accomplishments during this crazy pandemic year,” said Daniel Stockli, chair of the department. “With that said, we would like to highlight the 2021 Awardees who are being recognized for their effort, engagement, and guidance while upholding The University of Texas core values. CONGRATULATIONS!!!”
Estwing Hammer Award
Sponsored each year by the Estwing Corporation which provides a hammer, this award recognizes a student for consistently outstanding performance in the Introductory Field Methods (GEO 420K) and Field Camp (GEO 660) courses.
- Mark Lawrence
GSEC Student Service Award
Awarded by the graduate student community, this award recognizes the outstanding efforts in support of the Jackson School of GeoSciences (JSG) graduate student community by one of its own.
- Hima Hassenruck Gudipati
JSG Graduate Student Best Paper
- Simon Scarpetta
- DGS would also like to recognize the work of three runner-ups for the best student paper award: Lakin Beal, Zachary Murphy, and Kelly Olsen
Annual Best Graduate Student Presentation Awards
The best PhD talks are awarded by polling of the student audiences across the different venues for either fall or spring semesters.
- Masters Saturday Best Speaker – Fall 2020: Brooklyn Gose
- Masters Saturday Best Speaker – Spring 2020: Jaime Hirtz
- Best PhD Talk Fall 2020: Dominik Kardell
- Best PhD Talk Spring 2021: Justin Thompson
Mineralogical Society of America Undergraduate Prize
- Saif Alhajri
Austin Geological Society Award
- Irineo Sanchez
- Jasmeen Kaur
Knebel Teaching Awards
A gift from the Knebel Family highlights excellence in graduate and undergraduate teaching. This year, DGS is recognizing three faculty with the Knebel Teaching Awards: an undergraduate introductory award based on both student CIS results and faculty input and an upper-level undergraduate and graduate course awards are voted on by the students.
- Introductory Course: John Lassiter for GEO 303C (Spring 2021)
- Undergraduate Course Fall 2020: Timothy Goudge for GEO 416M
- Undergraduate Course Spring 2021: Mark Helper and Brian Horton for GEO 420K
- Graduate Course: Daniel Trugman for GEO 391 (Spring 2021)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards
Nominated by professors, these awards recognize graduate teaching assistants who have distinguished themselves through excellence in teaching and innovation.
- Outstanding TA – Fall 2020: Abdulah Eljalafi and Megan Flansburg
- Outstanding TA – Spring 2021: Sarah Davis, Abdulah Eljalafi, and Eirini Poulaki
University Staff Service Award
- Estela Sosa – 30 years
- Charles Jackson – 20 years
- Elsa G. Jimenez – 15 years
- German Belle P. – 10 years
- James C. Sagebiel – 10 years
- Lindsay A. Stephens – 10 years
The James W. Vick Advising Award
- Jessica Bradford
Compiled by Kristin Phillips, Department of Geological Sciences