Know Your Grad School Options: Watch Video Highlighting JSG

Potential graduate student curious about the academic program at the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG) can watch a preview through a video introduction.

Graduate Studies within JSG include two degrees: Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science. Graduate students advisors are from the Department of Geological Sciences, the Institute for Geophysics, and the Bureau of Economic Geology.

Within this video, a potential student can learn more through an overview of the program by the Dean of JSG, Dr. Claudia Mora, the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Brian Horton (start time within video at 20:10) and the Graduate Coordinator, Philip Guerrero (start time within video at 30:39).

Detailed introductions to each JSG research theme follows:

Marine Geosciences Theme by Dr. Sean Gulick (start time within video at 00:44:04)
Climate and Environment by Dr. Dan Breecker (start time within video at 00:50:13_
Energy Geosciences Research by Dr. Zoltan Sylvester (start time within video at 01:02:14)
Planetary Sciences and Geobiology by Dr. Marc Hesse (start time within video at 01:15:20)
Solid Earth and Tectonic Processes by Dr. Esti Ukar (start time within video at 01:31:29)
Surface and Hydrologic Processes by Dr. Daniella Rempe (start time within video at 01:47:46)

Compiled by Kristin Phillips, Department of Geological Sciences