
Weather & Climate Modeling
Several research groups apply numerical modeling to understand the behavior and societal impacts of the physical climate system and weather.
- Persad Aero Climate Research Group focuses on the role of particle aerosol emissions in driving inter-regional differences in the magnitude and rate of climate change and in the emergence of heat and hydroclimate extremes.
- Kerry Cook‘s research group works to predict climate change and climate variability around the world.
- The Land Environment and Atmospheric Dynamics Group, contact Liang Yang
- The University of Texas Extreme weather and Urban Sustainability (TExUS ) Lab, contact Dev Niyogi

Remote Sensing
The Planetary Surface Processes Group uses remote sensing to study Mars, Earth, and other planets. Equipment that enables this research includes a dedicated server, >100 TB of storage, and high-end desktop workstations for processing, storing, and analyzing satellite remote sensing datasets. The group also has multiple drone systems for acquisition of remote sensing data, including lidar and images (for Structure from Motion).
- Contact Timothy Goudge for details.

Geophysics Modeling
To facilitate research in both subduction and the dynamics of flow in the mantle, [information coming soon]
- Contact Stephen Grand for details.