Elemental & Isotopic Analysis
The Quadrupole ICP-MS Laboratory (with laser ablation) is principally used for rapid, precise and accurate trace element (<1000 ppm) determinations in liquid and solid samples, but other applications include isotopic determinations and speciation studies.
The power of modern ICP-MS resides in its ability to rapidly measure trace elements at very low detection limits (to sub parts per trillion levels) as well as minor and major elements (at parts per million levels) in the same analytical run on suitably diluted samples.
- Contact Nathan Miller for details.
E-beam Lab
The E-beam Lab houses an electron microprobe with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and a large-area energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) on our low-vacuum SEM for non-destructive in-situ elemental characterization. Both can be used to qualitatively or quantitatively map elemental concentration variations (>100s of ppm) from the micron to the cm scale, as well as ~1 cubic micron focused beam analyses (>10 ppm).
- Contact Liz Catlos for details.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Infrared spectroscopy uses Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) analyses to measure dissolved water and carbon in natural and experimental silicate glasses.
The FTIR lab is equipped with a Thermo Electron Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer and Continuum IR microscope, equipped with automated x-y-z stage and stage purge system so that the spectrometer, microscope, and sample position are all purged with dry air that has <10 ppm CO2 for very precise measurements of CO2 poor glasses. Dedicated polishing facilities are also available for sample preparation.
- Contact Jim Gardner for details.
Geomicrobiology & Aqueous Geochemistry
The Geomicrobiology and Aqueous Geochemistry Lab (1) cultures and characterizes aerobic and anaerobic prokaryotes, and (2) characterizes the chemical properties of water and solids to support research in hydrogeology, geochemistry, and geomicrobiology.
Taking place in the field and lab, equipment includes a carbon analyzer, gas chromatographs, a thermal desorber, high pressure liquid chromatographs, ion chromatograph, autotitrator, and spectrophotometers.